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"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve."
-Bill Gates
(Bill Gates is someone whose advice I would ALWAYS listen to. Unless the topic is fashion.. Yikes!)


“While in my employment, we found Shauna to be an excellent leader as well as a manager. Shauna was always willing to take on a new task while always adding to her daily work load. We found her to be an excellent trainer and never did we have any indication that Shauna was concerned that she may be training her replacement. We found her to be very confident and comfortable with her ability to lead, learn and manage. I personally enjoyed her ability to take on and look for new tasks always with the mind of improving our company, while still maintaining an excellent sense of humor. A rare trait among good leaders and managers. Shauna was not only creative, well-organized, but she was very inventive in her daily task. Shauna welcomed change and viewed it as healthy growth and a means of moving the company forward. She was an excellent employee and I feel very comfortable with any career or task that she took on, that she would accomplish it with great pride. I have always felt she left our employment because she outgrew us and we could no longer effectively give her the daily challenge she desired. Most importantly, in her primary responsibility, was her capacity for multi-tasking with incredible accuracy in her work."

—  Bob Terry
Owner, Fisher Farms

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